How to become the worlds first TRILLIONARE? | ASTERIOD Mining

How to become the worlds first TRILLIONARE??

Related imageIn this modern world there is a huge requirement of money to do almost anything. currently in feb 2018 the richest man on earth is Jeff Bezos with a Net Worth of 
123.6 BILLION! He is the founder, chairmen, and Chief Executive Officer of one of the largest affiliated market, Amazon. it is one of the largest affiliated market currently. he is currently given the title of the wealthiest person on the planet but this record may be broken somewhere in the future by some other person or company who ever gets envolved in the industry first.

This industry is known as the Asteroid Mining. to get a detail about this case we need to know why certain types of asteroids are valuable.  

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take the asteroid belt for example located between Mars and Jupiter. there are millions of asteroids over here that are together estimated to be worth over $700 quintillions that is $700,000,000,000,000,000,000!!!

Image result for asteroid belt between mars and jupiter
the reason for them being so expensive is because they contain enormous amount of raw material that are very rare back on Earth's surface like Gold, Silver, Palladium and perhaps most interestingly Platinum. scientists estimated that a small asteroid 30m wide can be worth between $25-50 BILLION at the current market value.

Just one Platinum rich asteroid can contain more Platinum than humanity has ever seen in history which if produced all at once would certainly crash the economic value of platinum.
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but its not just these materials that we are behind. it is found that an asteroid of diameter of 1km could contain 2-3 times the global production of Iron Nickle Ore.

in the very large such as 16 Psyche could satisfy the entire global demand for several MILLION YEARS!!
Image result for 16 psyche
16 Psyche
Image result for 162173 ryuguasteroids like these have the potential to give humanity a nearly infinite supply of there incredibly rare raw materials. and the co-operations that are providing these infinite supplies will reach a tremendous success financially. if you are planning to start this asteroid mining then you need not go so far between mars and jupiter but there are nearly 1500 near-earth asteroids which orbits close to the earth. So far of these the most valuable identified is the 162173 Ryugu.         

Image result for starbucksthis nearly 1km wide asteroid is estimated to be worth nearly $83,000,000,000($83 BILLION)! this one asteroid is worth about the same the entire Starbucks co-operation !!

Any company started by anybody now and then and that manages to get a mining operation setup on it could see a profit of tens of billions of dollars. and if successful, it could be a stepping stone out to the far more valuable asteroids in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter where there have already been 711 asteroids discovered estimated to be worth over $100,000,000,000,000 EACH!! making each one equal to the entire global GDP in the year 2014.
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currently the process of going out and mining the asteroid is very expensive but lets hope that future technologies make it possible to get all these resources more efficiently. the person that is alive today takes advantage of this thing will become our societies first TRILLIONARE!! it could even be one of you reading this Blog.

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