55 Cancri E | planet of diamonds

The DIAMOND planet

One of the most expensive element in this world are diamonds. these shining pieces looking like glass and are outrageously expensive and strong. they cost about $60,000 per gram. 
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these are nearly indestructible and rare. what would u think if i say that there is a complete planet made of diamonds. 

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the name of this diamond planet is 55 Cancri E and was found in 2004 by astronomers and they claim that atleast one-third of the planets mass is pure diamond. 

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Related imageat the current rate of diamonds, this planet is worth $26,900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 26.9 nonillion which is 26.9 followed by 30 zeroes.

this planet is worth 384 quadrillion times the earth's GDP. the planet is twice the diameter of earth and its mass is 8 times the mass of earth.

well if anybody is able to go and get all the diamond on earth then the diamonds will have no value because as there is so much diamond, the diamond market will crash and all the diamonds on earth will lose its value.

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